Friday, December 10, 2010


As I read The Great Gatsby, I notice a relationship beginning to be developed between Jay and Nick.  Jay throws a lot of parties and since Nick just moved right next door, Nick gets invited to the parties.  Many people show up to Jay's house during his parties that has never even met him and that wasn't even invited, but Jay doesn't mind because his real intentions on throwing the part was to meet his one true love Daisy again since he hasn't seen her in about five years.  When Nick accepted the invitation, he hadn' t even met Gatsby yet, but one day when he was there he just happened to run into him unknowingly.
Once Jay found out that Nick knew Daisy, he wanted to hook up with Daisy through Nick.  He wanted Nick to invite Daisy over to his home for tea.  So he started hanging out with Nick and Nick invited Daisy over for tea and told her not to bring her husband, but didn't tell her why.  The question is though, is Jay using Nick just to get to Daisy?
I seem to think that Jay is using Nick to get to Daisy but at the same time he still is trying to be friends with Nick.  His intentions of the parties was to get to Daisy so therefore he was technically going to use ANYONE to get to Daisy if they knew her.  I just feel like if Jay didn't want to be friends with Nick at the same time, then once Nick invited Daisy over for him, Jay would have started to blow Nick off instead of inviting him over with Daisy once they left Nick's house.  Also when Nick left the room, Jay followed because he still wanted Nick to be a part of their get together.  I don't believe Nick thinks that Jay is using him because he says in the beginning of the book that though Jay was not like the typical people that he associates with, he made an exception for him because he was a really cool person (not in those words).  I guess I will just have to continue to read to figure it out but as of now I believe it can go both ways depending on how you look at it.

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