Monday, May 16, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart

 I honestly think that the person telling this tragic story is delirious.  That is the only reasonable explanation for telling this story.  Either that or it is a dream.  But I also think that the person is still crazy even if it is a dream because the average, normal, person will most likely not have a dream like this.  This "dream" was very critical and full of gory detail.  He was saying how the mans eye bothered him but took it to the extreme by killing him and cutting off his arms, legs, etc.  Then when he was hearing the "heart beat" that made him crazy because no one can hear a heart beat.  Plus the second time when the police came and he began to freak out, every else in the room didn't hear anything.  This goes on to another point that if he killed the man and hid him underneath the floor boards, why, if the police comes to check the house because some one called complaining about a scream, would he take the police to the exact room over the exact spot that he hid the man's body?  I understand that he was trying not to be suspicious, but he stayed there and talked to them and had a drink with them, then decides to have this sudden mood swing where he got nervous and just gave his self away.  This shows that he has a problem because a normal person would not have taken the police there and stayed there knowing that they might get too nervous and give it away.  So rather it was a dream or not, something is wrong with the narrator.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Story

It was a gloomy afternoon.  Trees swaying in the wind.  Gray clouds gathering in the sky.  The ground still wet from the day before.  This was the season for rain.  Families inside their homes waiting to have dinner.  Street lights about to come on as the sun goes down.  As little drizzles of rain fall from the sky, I rush home trying to beat the storm.  As I ride my bike through the neighborhood, I start to feel drops on my forehead.  I began to peddle faster down the blocks and around the corners.  The rain is falling a little harder now as I approach my two friends' house.
They were brothers named Ramon and Ryan.  Ramon was tall and a little chubby.  He was really funny and goofy.  He had a joke for almost anything.  He was the younger one around the age of fifteen.  On the other hand Ryan was average height, light skinned, and pretty thin.  He had long hair and usually liked to wear it back in a pony tail.  He was a real calm and laid back kind of guy.  They lived just around the corner from my house with their mom, older sister, dad, and their jet black dog Ebony.
Now Ebony was a fairly small black dog, not fully grown yet, and very feisty.  She ran around a lot outside and was always full of energy.  Anytime something would go pass, she would bark at it.  She liked chasing the squirrels in the yard, and even the mail man.  She liked to nibble in things.  At the same time she was just a playful dog and probably would never hurt a fly.  But I was still afraid of her.
As I flew past the house on my bike, Ebony was sitting outside in the front yard, nibbling on a toy bone.  Focusing on the storm approaching and the rain now pouring down on me, I had not noticed Ebony who had begun to bark and chase my back wheel.  I begin to panic looking at my house as I turn the corner.  I thought about riding past it trying to get the dog off of my trail, hoping maybe she will get tired and decide to walk back home.  Then I thought again and now it was past the time I needed to be back in the house and almost time for dinner, plus it was raining.  So I rode down my black as fast as I could, now about ten steps ahead of Ebony.  I turned into my drive way, opened the garage door, drove my bike in to put it away, and screamed for my dad to come out and get this hyper dog that was chasing me.  As I let the garage door down, Ebony managed to sneak under the door right before it closes, barking crazily and trying to catch her breath.  She jumped up and down with her paws scratching against the door of the car parked in the garage as my dad comes out with a broom.  He swings it at her a few times and chases her out to the drive way.  As she runs back towards her home my dad comes back in and lets the garage door down.  Now we are both soaking wet and have to drop our shoes and things off by the back door.  He laughs at me and jokes about me being scared of such a little dog like Ebony, as I go upstairs to wash up for dinner.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Drake is telling how he became famous and his feelings about it.  He was explaining how with money and fame comes a whole new life.  New people come and go along with real things and fake things and also people/things trying to knock you down.  But he isn't letting anything get in the way of his success.  If I look a little deeper into the song though, I can also see that he is explaining the fact that even though he is successful, it gets lonely sometimes being on the top of everything with the fame, money, and all.  Because of the fact that people always come and go while he is steadily moving to the top to follow his dreams, all he have let are the good memories of the people who he wish would have stayed with him.  He likes the fame and all he wouldn't change his life, but he just misses some of the people that were there for him in the beginning.  All of the stories that he tell in his verses are about people he miss and them or him being lonely, so that is where I got this idea.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the Reservation

Reservations were the main start of civilization in America.  But as time progressed and cities began to come about, it ended up being less common for people to live on reservations.  I personally think that living on a reservation could have its pros and cons, I would probably want to live on a reservation or at least stay there for a while.  It seems like it can be a very relaxing place to be.  There will be a very small community where almost everybody knows each other.  Another thing is it helps you value life and your environment more by staying on the reservation because you will become more independent with certain things and will rely on others less.  I think it can help one adapt better to the outside world because there is more space for you to be isolated and alone if thats what u choose to be.
The only bad part I can think of is some things outside of the reservation you will have no clue of because you will be so use to one way of life and not use to what others go through that do not live on reservations.  Even though some things may be better left unknown, you should at least still have the knowledge on all possible subjects than just not knowing at all.  There will be things that you've never witnessed but at lease you still will know it exist out there somewhere in the world, just not on your reservation.

Friday, December 10, 2010


As I read The Great Gatsby, I notice a relationship beginning to be developed between Jay and Nick.  Jay throws a lot of parties and since Nick just moved right next door, Nick gets invited to the parties.  Many people show up to Jay's house during his parties that has never even met him and that wasn't even invited, but Jay doesn't mind because his real intentions on throwing the part was to meet his one true love Daisy again since he hasn't seen her in about five years.  When Nick accepted the invitation, he hadn' t even met Gatsby yet, but one day when he was there he just happened to run into him unknowingly.
Once Jay found out that Nick knew Daisy, he wanted to hook up with Daisy through Nick.  He wanted Nick to invite Daisy over to his home for tea.  So he started hanging out with Nick and Nick invited Daisy over for tea and told her not to bring her husband, but didn't tell her why.  The question is though, is Jay using Nick just to get to Daisy?
I seem to think that Jay is using Nick to get to Daisy but at the same time he still is trying to be friends with Nick.  His intentions of the parties was to get to Daisy so therefore he was technically going to use ANYONE to get to Daisy if they knew her.  I just feel like if Jay didn't want to be friends with Nick at the same time, then once Nick invited Daisy over for him, Jay would have started to blow Nick off instead of inviting him over with Daisy once they left Nick's house.  Also when Nick left the room, Jay followed because he still wanted Nick to be a part of their get together.  I don't believe Nick thinks that Jay is using him because he says in the beginning of the book that though Jay was not like the typical people that he associates with, he made an exception for him because he was a really cool person (not in those words).  I guess I will just have to continue to read to figure it out but as of now I believe it can go both ways depending on how you look at it.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Classmate I appreciate..

I am thankful to have Briana Hammons in my class.  I've been knowing her since third period geometry last year with Mr. Nunn and immediately we became friends. We went through the year helping eachother out in Geometry and being partners for every assignment.  For every question she didn't understand I would help her and for every question I didn't understand she would help me.  She was a good helper to me and explained things well.  And every time I would fall asleep she would fill me in on whatever it was that I missed in the lectures when i awoke.  We would always treat Robert together and talk about the bball team together.
This year, I appreciate having her in my class because she fill me in on whats going on when I feel lost, she reminds me of the homework and bloggs sometimes when I forget after a long day and practice, and she also helps me sometimes with the vocab book questions.  Don't get me wrong these aren't the only reasons I'm thankful for Briana, she also keeps me dying laughing not only in class but outside of class.  We are not those type of people that are only friends inside the classroom, I have a lot of fun with Briana outside the class room but that is a whole different story so....yeah that's enough about her, I will stop there before I end up putting all of our business out there ;)