Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Wow well I think this is very interesting seeming that I am a Christian.  I think if Jonathan Edwards was my preacher now, I would probably look at him like he was crazy or something when he gave this sermon.  I know back in his time people were very strict when it came to what the preacher said.  Basically what the preacher spoke was the truth, like it came from God himself just delivered through someone else.  So people in this time probably did believe these things.
What he is saying really is that God doesn't forgive you, he just keeps adding up your wrongs until he gets fed up with you and wants to cut off your life line.  God just keeps getting mad and upset, and there is nothing you can do about it so you better just remain a "saint" and don't do anything that is wrong or that you may think is wrong.  Also he was saying that if you don't go to church and haven't been "saved" then you will not go to heaven  If you have been "saved" then you can't do anything.  Everything you do wrong will turn in to your guilt and God's frustration.  God is just waiting to give you your final chance then he will cut your string and you will fall to hell.  Since God is holding you and keeping you from falling, God can just as easily let you go.  The things that you have that you think is keeping you safe are fake.
I really think this is crazy because in church I was taught that you can "repent", ask for forgiveness, and God will forgive you.  The God that I believe in is patient and understanding, while the God that was described is the complete opposite.  Also God does tally up our wrongs and rights and doesn't get frustrated us where he will get to the point where he will kill us just like that.  The first time he destroyed the world he gave a warning, people just chose not to listen, therefore it wasn't God just "cutting our strings" and dropping us like that.  This speach really amused me.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes My Neighborhood..

As we all may know, of course white people are the majority in America and every other race is considered a minority.  I happen to be a part of that minority group.  One of the major times that I can remember a clash since I've gotten older and been able to realize when situations like that will occur was when I first moved into m neighborhood.  My family and I became the second black family on our block, the other family stays next door to the right of us coincidentally.  On the day we moved in, the other black family came over and welcomed us.  It was a mother and father along with two children, one was a sixteen year old boy and a ten year old girl.  They treated us as if they had already known us for a while, and were very comfortable around us.  They came in and checked out our house and stayed a while to talk.  They even made us a cake (which is the type of stuff you usually see on television, but I'm serious).  After they had spent about a hour and a half with us, making sure we were all settled and adapted, they went back home.  However they felt comfortable enough to leave their daughter over for a while to play with the children that were at my house visiting with their parents and helping unpack.
A few hours later a family of our white neighbors came over.  They introduced themselves and welcomed us also.  My family and I introduced ourselves also, but afterwards they started asking us a lot of crazy questions.  They were a little noisy for it to be their first time meeting us, I might add.  A couple of the questions seemed offensive the way they would ask it.  They were asking things like, "Wow, all of you guys live here?" because of the families that were over helping us unpack, it was about ten people in our house.  Then they put this look on their face, and after we told them no they had a look of relief.  Then they told us that they were sure we had made a major upgrade, as if they knew where we moved from.  They also asked my parents what they did (occupation wise), like that was important.  The only thing was they never told us about theirselves (no more than their names) and never even stepped a foot in the door of our new home.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Wassup, I'm Brittany. 
I have one brother, he's my "Irish Twin" and his name is James.  The reason I say this is we stay the same age for about three weeks each year because we're only eleven months apart and we have the same parents. I am the youngest of the two of us, but for some reason we're both spoiled.  Surprisingly we actually like to hang out, we are really close.  Still we do have the times where we don't want to be bothered with each other. People say we look a lot alike, but we really don't see it at all.
I don't really know how I would describe myself but for the most part I'm a pretty laid back type of person, I like to have fun and laugh a lot, I'm not too shy but I wouldn't say I was outgoing, I'm fun to be about, I always have a positive attitude for the most part, I really don't like to let things get to me because in the end you still have to move on with your life, I think I'm a helpful person and pretty smart too, and I like meeting new people.  Some of the negative things about me would have to be that I can have a bad attitude when I want which is rarely, I'm very easily irritated (but once I'm irritated it won't really last long), I can come off as rude sometimes or mean but really you just have to get to know me I guess.
One major thing that's important to know about me is that basically basketball is my life.  I really love to play basketball, I've been playing since I was about three.  I went to my first camp when I was five and I played on my first school team when I was eight.  I played at park district teams the years in between.  By ten I was playing on my first travel team.  The whole time I played basketball in grammer school for my school teams, I only lost one game and that was in third grade the second game of the season.  I am a point guard and I really like this position because I feel like people depend on you in the game.  It is up to you to instruct your team (after the coach).  You should be a leader.  Now I play for lady fire and the girls I play with are amazing.  I also play with the Lady Dolphins and they too are incredible to be around.
Basically that is about it, these are the major pieces of my life story!