Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Wow well I think this is very interesting seeming that I am a Christian.  I think if Jonathan Edwards was my preacher now, I would probably look at him like he was crazy or something when he gave this sermon.  I know back in his time people were very strict when it came to what the preacher said.  Basically what the preacher spoke was the truth, like it came from God himself just delivered through someone else.  So people in this time probably did believe these things.
What he is saying really is that God doesn't forgive you, he just keeps adding up your wrongs until he gets fed up with you and wants to cut off your life line.  God just keeps getting mad and upset, and there is nothing you can do about it so you better just remain a "saint" and don't do anything that is wrong or that you may think is wrong.  Also he was saying that if you don't go to church and haven't been "saved" then you will not go to heaven  If you have been "saved" then you can't do anything.  Everything you do wrong will turn in to your guilt and God's frustration.  God is just waiting to give you your final chance then he will cut your string and you will fall to hell.  Since God is holding you and keeping you from falling, God can just as easily let you go.  The things that you have that you think is keeping you safe are fake.
I really think this is crazy because in church I was taught that you can "repent", ask for forgiveness, and God will forgive you.  The God that I believe in is patient and understanding, while the God that was described is the complete opposite.  Also God does tally up our wrongs and rights and doesn't get frustrated us where he will get to the point where he will kill us just like that.  The first time he destroyed the world he gave a warning, people just chose not to listen, therefore it wasn't God just "cutting our strings" and dropping us like that.  This speach really amused me.

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